Wednesday 1 May 2013

On Being A Summer Camp Counselor

This summer I will return to the bright lights of the Catskills, NY; for my second summer as a Camp Counselor (Sp - How on earth do you spell Counselor? I tend to change the spelling between the aforementioned and Counsellor, which my British spell check seems to prefer). A job I have wished and longed for ever since I first saw 'The Parent Trap'.

 My camp however lacked miraculous twin discoveries,  isolation cabins, (a concept, which I'm sure would be grounds for child abuse) and poker games!

However, despite an ardent lack of movie magic, I fell in love with this so very American institution and happily signed my contract to return for my second year.

I am currently at the point in the year where my thoughts are occupied by either my exams, or camp - and camp may be beating the exams. Well when you are spending 8+ hours a day revising you are allowed to let your mind wander right?!

So in anticipation for my upcoming adventures, and using my time wisely I have decided to write a series of blog posts (seven to be exact) which will highlight some of the most important information I wish I had known my first year. 

From what to pack, to travelling after, and how best to carry your money.

I have seen several articles about what to pack to camp - but none of them really seem to cover what I need(ed) for camp. But, as with everything in life there tends to be a fair bit of deviation between camps and staff members as to what is needed. 

So, in full disclosure mode, my camp is Coed, Residential, 7 weeks. You get your bunk during orientation and 95% of staff stay put in those bunk assignments for the summer. 

We eat breakfast in our Pyjama's - so everyday is the day Paris turned Rory's alarm off. 

So up next week - What I pack for Camp - the Bare essentials edition.

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